Note: These are all 2 coats. The cremes could all be pulled off in nearly 1 coat, but I prefer to do 2 coats for smoothness for pictures. No issues with ANY of these! They all applied smoothly and evenly. River is my favorite shimmer, I wore it for July 4th because it's the perfect blue. As far as cremes, I adore Winnie! I may try a watermarble with these cremes so stay tuned. Now just look at the pretty pictures!
Arbor - a rich olive creme
Byrdie - a rich bubble gum pink creme
Cora - a muted coral cream.
Esty - a muted fuchsia pink cream.
Journey - a shimmering strawberry red.
Lois - a rich magenta violet cream.
River - a shimmering cobalt blue.
Sawyer - a soft taffy orange cream.
Scout - a shimmering moss green.
Sonja - a summery crimson red cream.
Winnie - a soft watermelon pink cream.
Lippies aren't my thing, so no lip pictures, sorry! I think they definitely appeared darker, and when I applied them to my semi-pale hand, they were not as dark. These are nice, subtle shades for all occasions this summer! $12 each.
These are all available now on Zoya.com!

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