Nail Hoot NOLA Quartet

Hey everyone! I have an exciting quartet from Nail Hoot to share with you all today. What's so exciting you ask, well, keep reading and find out!

I finally got to meet Brandie (creator of Nail Hoot) in New Orleans in April of this year. She was a vendor at Polish Con, and I was there running the Polish Pickup table with my friend Vicki. Here's a pic of Vicki & I with Adrienne and Sarah from PPU on Bourbon Street our first night in NOLA!
I've been friends with Brandie online for a few years, so I was so happy I finally got to meet her! We knew after Polish Con, we would all be exhausted, but we planned to meet up and do a bus graveyard tour. One of the polishes of this quartet is based on that tour! 
It was definitely my favorite thing that we did while in NOLA. Our tour guide, Toast, was hilarious. We got to sit in the front row during the bus tour and we got to banter back and forth with him. NOLA is an amazing city and I hope to visit again one day, it was one of the best weeks of my life! Now let's get to the quartet.

To avoid being repetitive, I'll go ahead and tell ya'll the formula for all of these are flawless and applied smoothly!

French Quarter Phantoms
A black-toned burgundy that is rich with shimmer and sprinkled with gold microflakies. 2 coats.
This is the polish inspired by our bus trip! We weren't allowed to enter several of the graveyards (like the one pictured above) but we did get to enter a Hurricane Katrina memorial where the unidentified/unclaimed vicitims of Katrina are interred in six mausoleums. We also got to visit a Jewish cemetery, and it was very interesting to learn about their burial customs.
Afloat an Airboat
An icy blue beauty laced with complementary shimmers and delicate gold microflakies. 3 coats.
This was our first plan to do together but it didn't work out. Vicki and I ended up doing another boat tour. We didn't do a tour with one of the cool air boats like Brandie did lol.

Alligator Pee A neutral, warm-toned grey with a generous pink shimmer shift and delicate gold microflakies. 3 coats. What's with the weird name you may ask? Well, on some boat tours you get to hold a baby alligator at the end. It was actually kind of sad to see this baby alligator being passed around to everyone with its mouth taped shut. I did hold one, but I wasn't very happy about it. I wanted to take the tape off and "oops" put him back in the water where he belongs. Brandie got peed on when she held the alligator on their tour!
Beignet, Done That A shimmery, grey-toned red fused with delicate gold microflakies. 3 coats. The closest I got to the famous beignets is when Vicki tried to use the restroom at Cafe du Monde before the bus tour. It was going to be a TWO HOUR WAIT to use the restroom there! We completely forgot to go back to the Cafe to try the beignets, and it didn't dawn on us until we were already on the road home. Maybe next time!
 This quartet will be available tomorrow, Friday September 27th at 5pm central on
Full sized bottles are$7.99 each, or as a complete mini ($20.39) or full ($29.39) sized set.